Product Updates

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2/4/2025 1:59:27 AM Extension update: New version, 6.0.21, now live in the Chrome Web Store. This new version addresses several bugs with "radio" buttons in the GMass settings box that surface when multiple campaigns are being worked on in multiple Compose windows simultaneously.
1/23/2025 5:44:18 PM Bug fix for incoming messages: Certain bouncebacks that should have been classified as "blocks" were being classified as regular "bounces" due to a string case sensitivity comparison bug. For example, if a bounceback had the phrase "fails DMARC" in it, this was being classified as a "bounce" instead of the correct classification as a "block".
1/15/2025 10:04:44 AM Triggered emails enhancement: Triggered emails will now include the List-Unsubcribe header if your account has the List-Unsubscribe header turned ON in your account's dashboard settings.
1/15/2025 10:04:08 AM Transactional API enhancement: There's a new setting called "listUnsubscribeHeader" that can be passed into the transactional API method, and this setting determines whether a List-Unsubscribe header is used in the transactional email.
1/14/2025 5:14:53 PM Reporting bug fix: Long-running large campaigns would not have their recipient counts updated regularly on the dashboard's main screen, leading to inflated statistics on the main dashboard page. Statistics were still accurate on a campaign's report page, since those are calculated in real-time, but just not on the main dashboard page.
1/14/2025 5:01:48 PM Bug fix for triggered emails sending over SMTP: Previously, if a campaign was set to send through an SMTP server, and the account had multiple SMTP servers configured, the triggered emails would send throug the account's DEFAULT SMTP server rather than the campaign's specifically chosen SMTP server. This is now fixed, and the triggered emails will now send through the campaign's chosen SMTP server.
1/14/2025 4:43:09 PM Bug fix for DKIM signing emails on triggered emails: If triggered emails were sending over an SMTP server, then the emails were not being signed using your configured DKIM settings. This is now fixed.
1/14/2025 4:38:02 PM Bug fix for Date on triggered emails: The Date header was not being set correctly for outgoing triggered emails. The Date header was being set based on the date/time the trigger TEMPLATE was created, rather than the current date/time of the outgoing email. This is now fixed.
1/14/2025 4:37:16 PM Bug fix for repeating campaigns: When a campaign is set to repeat to ALL ROWS of a Sheet, or to repeat to a freehand recipient list, and if the campaign also had auto follow-ups set, it was previously not possible to cancel the auto follow-ups for a specific past instance of the campaign. It was only possible to cancel them for the current instance of the campaign, and if you tried to cancel them for a past instance, they would only cancel for an instance chosen at random rather than the user-specified instance. This was due to a non-uniqueness of identifiers assigned to past instances of the campaign.
1/14/2025 4:31:32 PM Extension updated to 6.0.20: Fixed bug where if you have multiple SMTP servers configured for your account, and in your GMass campaign settings you had set an SMTP server, when using the Spam Solver, Send Test Email, or Email Analyzer functions, the email would instead send the email through your account's default SMTP server instead of your actual chosen SMTP server. This is now fixed.
1/13/2025 5:03:59 PM Another transactional API enhancement: When using the transactional API method to send transactional emails, if "useCustomerSMTP" is set to true, and your account has multiple SMTP servers configured, then you can also set the new setting "SmtpServerId" to decide which SMTP server to send the email through. If "SmtpServerId" is not specified, then the transactional email will send through the account's default SMTP server.
1/13/2025 5:02:44 PM Transactional API enhancement: When using the transactional API method to send transactional emails, if "useCustomerSMTP" is set to true, and the user has configured DKIM in the account's settings, the transactional emails will now be DKIM-signed.
1/3/2025 6:13:12 AM SPF Checker Fix: If your domain's SPF record used dynamic variables, then our Email Analyzer was unable to parse the SPF record and using the Email Analyzer would result in a bounce and incomplete results. Our Email Analyzer still can't handle dynamic variables in an SPF record, but it will now state that, skipping the SPF results but still displaying the rest of the analysis including DKIM, DMARC, the SMTP conversation, and more. Also, you won't get a bounce anymore.
12/2/2024 11:16:36 PM Bug fix: If you copy/paste an HTML campaign from your Gmail Sent folder into a new Compose window, and then send that campaign, and that copy/pasted message has click-tracked links in it, GMass has always "re-tracked" those links if the new campaign was also sent with "click tracking" on. The plain text MIME part of the campaign, however, was also getting those click-tracked URLs because Gmail creates the plain text MIME part behind the scenes from the HTML in the Compose window. The bug was that the click-tracked links copied/pasted in the plain text version were not reverting to their original URLs, and now they will be. Just FYI, links in the plain text MIME part of an email are never click-tracked even when "click tracking" is on.
12/2/2024 9:56:13 PM Bug fix: When using MultiSend with auto follow-ups and setting custom content to go as a NEW thread, rather than in the SAME thread, and also selecting "Force prior conversation to appear below message" in your account settings, the message from the "prior conversation" was actually a result of searching for the last conversation with each recipient RATHER THAN finding the last message in that particular campaign.
12/2/2024 9:54:53 PM Bug fix: When using MultiSend with auto follow-ups and setting custom content to go as a NEW thread, rather than in the SAME thread, and also selecting "Force prior conversation to appear below message" in your account settings, auto follow-up batches would error out with this message: "You can't use the MultiSend feature when you have a campaign set to send as replies to the last conversation with each recipient." That issue has been fixed, and these auto follow-up batches will now send as expected.
12/2/2024 9:53:55 PM Better icons: Better visual icons have been added to the left-hand Settings section that flies out when you click the "gear" icon in the dashboard.
12/2/2024 9:53:15 PM The "Time Zones" feature is complete. You can now set your preferred time zone in your dashboard settings, and have that time zone reflected in all campaign reports. Additionally, your chosen time zone will be the default time zone that appears in the extension's Scheduling field. Finally, you can opt to have recurring campaign times adjusted back and forth according to changes in Daylight Savings Time for your selected time zone.
11/28/2024 7:21:12 AM Extension updated to 6.0.13: Bug fix where a JavaScript interval specific to a Compose window could be left running and therefore consuming system resources even after the Compose window is destroyed.
11/27/2024 6:19:31 PM Extension updated to 6.0.12: This new version supports our upcoming "time zones" feature, where a GMass account can have an assigned time zone, and then the extension's "Schedule" section will default to that time zone rather than the computer's local time zone.
11/27/2024 6:18:38 PM New Setting: A "Time Zones" section has been added to the dashboard's settings, in preparation for our upcoming "time zones" feature.
11/21/2024 12:00:00 AM Extension updated to 6.0.11: Bug fix. When you loaded a Template from the dropdown, if you chose to load the Settings as well as the Subject/Message, the Settings option wasn't setting the Gmail vs SMTP options correctly. Now that's fixed.
11/20/2024 12:00:00 AM Fixed bug where if you connected your campaign to a Sheet with many columns, the helper box in the Gmail Compose window, with personalization and conditional logic options, would get cut-off and not show all the options. Now, a scroll bar will appear when necessary.
11/20/2024 12:00:00 AM Fixed bug where after the "multiple SMTP servers" option was deployed, some users' settings reverted to Gmail instead of their last used SMTP option when launching a new campaign.
11/14/2024 12:00:00 AM Extension bug fix: When using the AI option to generate a full sequence of emails, even though the sequences would appear to be set in the "Auto Follow-up" form fields, sending or saving the campaign would not actually save those settings and content, unless you focused into each field at least once. This is now fixed.
11/12/2024 6:24:50 AM Extension updated to version 6.0.5: This version features a dropdown allowing you to choose which SMTP server to send through, if you have multiple SMTP servers set up in your dashboard. You can choose to send either via normal Gmail or any of your SMTP servers.
11/12/2024 4:19:52 AM Open tracking bot filtering: We've updated our algorithm that attempts to filter out "opens" caused by "bots". This may result in a decrease in open rates for your campaigns, but this will also result in more accurate "open tracking". One of the main changes is such that if the User Agent string contains "Chrome" and "Safari" and "Edge", we are now counting that as a false "open" instead of a real "open".
11/5/2024 4:26:21 PM New feature: You can now add multiple SMTP servers to a single GMass account. Before, you could only connect one SMTP server to your account at a time. Now you can add multiple servers and choose which is the "Default", and the "Default" choice will be used for SMTP-based sending and is the SMTP server that will show up in the extension's settings box when you opt to choose via SMTP instead of Gmail.
11/4/2024 6:08:49 AM New feature: Spintax text generator using AI. Click the "AI" icon above the Templates dropdown, navigate to the Spintax Generator, put in the text for which you would like to generate spintax variations, along with the number of variations, and our AI engine will generate the variations for you in the GMass spintax format.
11/4/2024 6:07:29 AM New feature: Easier management of the Templates dropdown in the extension. Because this dropdown saves all of your campaigns, you can now clean up what's in the dropdown inside the dropdown itself. Just hover over a campaign, and a "trash can" icon will appear. Click the "trash can" to remove the template from the drop down. If you change your mind, you can always re-add it by going to your Dashboard --> Settings --> Templates.
10/29/2024 2:50:25 PM Fixed a scheduling bug involving MultiSend (Inbox Rotation) and setting "weights" for each MultiSend account. If you configured a campaign with MultiSend and used account weights to set each account's daily limit, the scheduled start time of the campaign was being ignored in favor of the current time.
10/8/2024 3:00:32 AM When sending natively through a Gmail/Google Workspace account, GMass has always automatically forced a slow-down in sending speed once a campaign hits 70% of the account's sending limit. So for a Google Workspace account, 70% of 1950 is 1365, so after about 1365 emails are sent, a forced delay of 5-10 seconds is added after each individual email is sent. Some users don't like this forced delay, so now the 70% factor is configurable and can be set to 100% which would cause there to never be a delay. For now this is an internal account setting, and eventually, it will become a setting in the dashboard's interface.
9/28/2024 2:03:22 PM Fixed a longstanding bug with emailing contacts from a Google Sheet, where the Sheet has duplicate email addresses and you've applied a filter to send to just certain rows. Before, if you chose the default option of having duplicates eliminated, and the second instance of an email address in the Sheet matched your filter, then that address wouldn't receive the email, because the list was de-duped first, and then the filter was applied. So the second instance would be lost in the de-duping process. Now the order has been flipped so that the filter is applied first, and then the list is de-duped.
9/25/2024 9:39:42 PM We've modified our sending system to auto retry a new type of Google API error, "The service sheets has thrown an exception. HttpStatusCode is BadGateway." This error has been showing up in our logs since Sept 1 2024 and has been especially prevalent in the last two weeks. Now, campaigns that encounter this error will be automatically retried 10 minutes later.
9/17/2024 5:23:50 AM Improved handling of new Google OAuth Granular Consent: Before during the OAuth connection process, if a user didn't check all the permissions boxes, on the next screen, a GMass error would be displayed. Now a friendlier notice indicating that the checkboxes must be checked is displayed.
8/19/2024 4:49:19 AM Bug fix related to "blocks" and "over-limit" bounces for campaigns: If a campaign was using Inbox Rotation, and you attempted to send a new behavior-based campaign to just the "blocks" or "over-limit" bounces, not all of the email addresses were being retrieved from all the accounts used in the Inbox Rotation of the original campaign. Additionally if you attempted to download "blocks" from the dashboard for an Inbox Rotation campaign, not all of the blocks were downloaded. This is now fixed.
7/31/2024 6:42:40 AM Bug fix for DRAFT creation and sending: When you set your campaign to create DRAFTs first and then use the GMass link to send them after reviewing, the link was set to send ALL DRAFTs that had been created as part of that campaign up until that point in time. Now, the link contains an identifier which will allow the link to send only the DRAFTs that are referenced in the notification that contains the link. This improvement will prevent situations where a daily recurring campaign creates a batch of DRAFTs on one day, the user clicks the link to send them, but due to a limit issue, not all DRAFTs are sent, and the remaining DRAFTs are scheduled to be sent 24 hours later, but within that 24 hour timeframe, the second day's batch of DRAFTs are created, and now the scheduled send 24 hours later sends ALL the DRAFTs rather than just the remaining DRAFTs from the first day. This scenario is frustrating for users because the second day's batch of DRAFTs may not have been reviewed yet, but they were still being sent as a result of the first day's DRAFTs not being fully sent on the first day.
7/29/2024 8:03:11 AM Detection of multiple SPF records: If your domain has multiple SPF records, which is considered failing SPF, you will now be alerted to that specific condition. Both the Email Analyzer will report multiple SPF records and the real-time SPF checker which fires upon any campaign sending will check for multiple SPF records.
7/29/2024 6:45:18 AM Better handling of new Gmail API errors: While sending a campaign, the Gmail API sometimes returns a "Precondition check failed" error and starting in mid May, we noticed a new error, "InternalServerError". If individual recipients of a campaign result in either of these errors, the individual recipients will now be automatically re-tried for sending a few minutes later.
7/29/2024 5:52:46 AM Bug fix when sending DRAFTs: When using the option to create DRAFTs first and then send with a link, if the 5-10 minute delay option was chosen when setting up the campaign, this delay was not respected when the DRAFTs were sending. This is now fixed.
7/16/2024 8:57:20 PM Minor API fix: The two endpoints and{campaignId} were not retrieving a campaign's "friendly name" properly. They would show a null value when a friendly name was actually set. This is now fixed.
7/4/2024 8:43:57 AM Spam Solver Improvement: We've now separated the list of seed accounts used by the Spam Solver from the list of seed accounts used by our public deliverability testing tool ( This will allow the Spam Solver to function much more reliably, because the public seeds have been getting hammered with so much volume lately that the Spam Solver would have trouble locating the emails in the accounts. The Spam Solver will now send to 20 private seeds, that are not exposed to the public, and will still show the placement results across Inbox, Spam, and Promotions.
7/3/2024 7:03:23 AM API Enhancement: The two campaigns endpoints, and{campaignId}, now expose additional campaign data, including the campaign's "friendly name", and any sent auto follow-up emails for those campaigns. The{campaignId} endpoint exposes additional specific data about individual batches that make up each individual auto follow-up stage, while the endpoint does not expose this specific batch data.
7/2/2024 1:31:40 PM Custom tracking domain bug fix: Custom tracking domains were exposing the GMass API Swagger site, when a URL such as http://tracking-domain/apihelp/index was accessed. Now such URLs will redirect to the domain.
7/2/2024 1:30:52 PM Templates bug fix: Sharing templates wasn't working due to a bug that was introduced when we deployed our campaign data backup storage solution two weeks ago. Templates were able to be shared through the dashboard, but when loading shared templates in the Templates dropdown in the extension, users encountered a "Object reference..." error. This is now fixed.
7/2/2024 2:50:13 AM Open Tracking: The img tag now contains a blank alt tag (alt="") in order to satisfy a particular SpamAssassin test.
6/28/2024 5:06:16 AM MultiSend (Inbox Rotation) Improvement: If an account loses its OAuth connection or GMass is otherwise unable to connect to it to send an auto follow-up batch of emails, the notification sent to the user will now clearly highlight accounts that could not connect at all, and this notification will contain a link to our OAuth connector to re-establish a connection to each failed account.
6/28/2024 4:39:12 AM Bug fix on sending DRAFTS: When a campaign is set to "Just create DRAFTS" and is later queued to send, sometimes temporary errors while sending those DRAFTS, like the "Precondition check failed" error would fail to re-try. The process that sends DRAFTS after the user clicks the link to send created DRAFTS attempts to send each DRAFT 5x, and then after 5x, a notification is sent to the user requesting the user to re-click the link to send the DRAFTS should any DRAFTS still remain because of temporary Gmail API errors. With this bug, if the sending process itself, rather than the DRAFT retrieval process, resulted in a temporary Gmail API error, and all 5 attempts were exhausted, the user was not told to re-click the link to send. That is fixed now, and so now, the user will be told to re-click that link.
6/27/2024 4:39:04 AM Reports bug fix: The single page report wasn't allowing you to click a stat and have the side panel open up with the detail, unless you were also logged into your account's dashboard. This is now fixed, so that the side panels will open even if you're not logged in.
6/26/2024 8:21:01 PM Sending for individual recipients of a campaign will re-try on "Precondition" error: Starting last year, we noticed a new error returned by the Gmail API, the "Precondition check failed" error. Recently, we've seen a ramp-up in this error being thrown by the Gmail API. While the error is unpredictable, it also seems temporary. GMass campaigns that error out at large due to this error have always been re-queued for 10 minutes later, and in most cases, the error does not recur. Campaigns, however, can still complete "successfully" but have individual recipients that still error out due to this error, so we have now deployed a change so that if individual recipients in a campaign receive this error, the campaign will re-queue in 10 minutes to send again to the failed recipients.
6/25/2024 4:37:49 AM Auto follow-up timing change: We previously made it so that if the current time is within 3 hours of a user chosen day/time for auto follow-ups to send, then they would start sending. However, if the time then crossed over into a day that was disallowed, according to the campaign's "Choose specific days" setting, the campaign would stop and resume in the morning of the next allowed day. Sometimes the campaign would stop after sending as few as 50 emails. We've now modified this so that for auto follow-up sends specifically, the campaign will continue sending for a minimum of 4 hours before checking if the time has crossed over into a disallowed day, and if so, it will pause and resume on the next allowed day.
6/25/2024 4:34:46 AM API bug fix: Fixed a bug where the API "campaigns" endpoints sometimes returned an incorrect number of recipients for a campaign. This would happen if individual recipients for a campaign had errored out at some point due to a Gmail API temporary error and then were retried and sent successfully later on.
6/21/2024 10:04:15 PM Chrome extension update: Version 6.0.3 has been published to the Chrome Web Store. Note that we intentionally skipped version 6.0.2. 6.0.3 contains a fix for older browsers, notably Chrome version 109, that didn't allow the new Manifest V3 version of GMass to work. The GMass buttons weren't showing up in Gmail. 6.0.3 is designed to work with older browsers, like Chrome version 109, and newer browsers.
6/20/2024 6:20:36 PM Chrome extension update: Version 6.0.1 has been published to the Chrome Web Store. This version fixes a bug on older computers, and therefore older Chrome browsers (prior to version 111) where repetitive calls were made to a CORS test URL over and over until an INSUFFICENT_RESOURCES error was thrown by Chrome.
6/20/2024 6:09:18 AM Auto follow-up bug fix: We discovered that some campaigns failed to send all of their auto follow-ups if the "Count selected days only" setting was enabled in an account's dashboard settings. This is a global setting that applies to all campaigns. The issue only surfaced if this setting was ON and if in the "Choose specific days" setting for a campaign, 5 or fewer days were chosen, and if the Stage Days settings were such that the highest number of Stage Days added to the last send time for the campaign was less than when the auto follow-ups should actually send based on the "Count selected days only" setting.
6/20/2024 4:02:58 AM On demand auto follow-up bug fix: When using the "Send Stage X Now" buttons to launch an auto follow-up stage on demand, if you had also configured your campaign to use a specific set of days or to skip holidays, and it was a holiday or a disallowed day, the on-demand send would send some emails while the rest would be pushed to the next allowed day. This behavior is not what the user would expect in this scenario, since the point of the "on demand" send for auto follow-ups is to send those emails now, regardless of any timing settings. This has been corrected. On demand auto follow-ups will truly send now and will disregard any Choose-specific-days or Skip-holiday settings.
6/19/2024 4:24:34 AM Auto follow-up bug fix: For a very small percentage of campaigns (less than 1%), auto follow-ups would never send because the original campaign failed to be recorded into the user's "GMass Reports --> Sent Copies" label. The failure would usually happen due to a Gmail API error like a "pre-condition error". As a result of the campaign not being recorded in that label, auto follow-ups would fail to send, because the auto follow-up system is dependent on that message being there. Now we've implemented a backup storage solution such that even if the campaign fails to record itself in that label, auto follow-ups will still send because the campaign data will instead be recorded in our database.
6/18/2024 10:06:15 PM Over-limit bounces handling improvement: If your campaign receives an over-limit bounce from Google that says "You have a reached a limit for sending mail", the normal behavior for GMass is to determine which sent email caused the bounce, and then re-send that individual email at a later time. In some instances, due to how the Gmail API returns InternalDate data, GMass would detect the wrong email in an email sequence that caused the over-limit bounce, and would re-send an email that had actually already been sent. This was because of how the messages were ordered in the thread, as returned by the Gmail API. We've now applied a different algorithm to determine which individual message in an email sequence generated the over-limit bounce, so that GMass knows exactly which email to re-send at a later time.
6/18/2024 1:39:25 PM DKIM Bug Fix: Before, when trying to activate a DKIM record after entering in DNS records, if the DKIM record was 2048 bits or higher, requiring multiple strings as part of the TXT record, sometimes GMass would fail to recognize the DNS record. The DNS query system has been improved to be more reliable and allow more reliable activations of DKIM records. Similarly our process that checks all DKIM records hourly will use this new DNS querying system to avoid erroneous deactivation of DKIM records.
6/13/2024 5:48:54 PM Auto follow-up timing improvement: Previously, if a stage's "time" was set too close to midnight, like 23:00 or 23:30, there was a chance the auto follow-ups didn't send at all or sent days after they were supposed to. Now, this is corrected. GMass now checks to see if the current day/time is within 3 hours of the expected-send day/time. So now if the expected send time is Wednesday at 11PM, then GMass will send if the current time is Wednesday at 11:30PM, or if it's Thursday at 12:30AM or Thursday at 1AM, because these are all within the 3 hour allowance of the expected-send-time.
6/13/2024 2:28:18 AM Bug fix for polls: Previously when creating a poll, after the poll was inserted into the Compose box, if you clicked one of the answers to test the link, an error page would appear. If you sent the campaign, the links would work and the answers were recorded, but if you clicked the link in the Compose box while drafting the campaign, then only the error would appear. Now, after the fix, you'll see a message indicating that the answer link hasn't been personalized yet, and the message will acknowledge that you must be just testing clicking the answer link.
6/13/2024 2:20:43 AM The GMass Chrome extension on the Chrome Web Store has been updated to version 6.0.0. The big difference is that this version of the extension is on Manifest V3 as opposed to the no-longer-supported Manifest V2. JavaScript code can no longer be remotely loaded in Manifest V3 and is instead packaged as part of the extension. While this allows for a more secure extension experience for users worldwide, making changes to the extension will now require a longer process.
6/13/2024 1:56:21 AM Bug fix: Users were unable to subscribe to the Professional plan using PayPal. Trying would result in an error on PayPal's site. Now it works.
6/11/2024 4:42:32 AM Sending bug: Fixed a longstanding bug where a campaign would finish sending and the campaign's DRAFT would be deleted by GMass, and then a few seconds later, the campaign would start processing again, this time resulting in a "Campaign DRAFT deleted" error. This would leave the campaign in an "error" state even though it had successfully finished sending the minute prior.
5/16/2024 5:10:07 PM New onboarding tour launched in extension: We have replaced the onboarding flow for new users from the old "Show me the magic" option to a fully guided tour that walks new users through connecting to a Google Sheet, using personalization, configuring the settings, and sending.
5/15/2024 4:10:42 PM New webhook for OAuth: You can now configure a webhook to be called whenever a user that you direct to GMass has successfully completed the OAuth flow. More information:
5/15/2024 4:10:00 PM Extension bug fix: Several users were reporting that clicking the button in the settings box to EDIT an auto follow-up template was not working properly. The Compose window would open with the subject/message but the To field was left blank instead of populating with the GMass-generated unique address. This was likely due to a timing change natively in Gmail. We implemented a fix.
5/15/2024 4:08:10 PM Reporting bug fix: Downloading the main campaign report for a campaign that was not connected to a Sheet wasn't working for the last few weeks. This is fixed now.
5/15/2024 4:06:22 PM MultiSend daily account caps update: When setting daily caps for MultiSend accounts in a campaign, the algorithm for detecting how many emails each MultiSend account has already sent for the day has been improved. Before, the count was a straightforward count over the last 16 hours. Now the count is more accurate because it's based on various factors, including when the campaign last successfully ran and any subsequent runs since then.
5/15/2024 3:49:50 PM New auto follow-up setting: Under the dashboard's "Auto Follow-up" settings, you can now enable a new setting called "Allow adding auto follow-ups after campaign is sent". Enabling this setting will prevent your campaign's DRAFT from being automatically deleted by GMass, even after the original campaign is sent. By keeping the DRAFT around, you can add auto follow-ups to your campaign even after it has fully sent.
5/15/2024 3:47:50 PM New behavior for the "global unsubscribes" setting: Previously enabling this setting would use related accounts for filtering campaigns for unsubscribed addresses. In addition to this, enabling this setting will now also use related accounts for filtering unsubscribed DOMAINS from campaigns.
5/15/2024 3:46:09 PM New auto follow-up setting for counting days: Under the dashboard's "Auto Follow-up" settings, you can now enable a new setting called "Strict count of days between stages". This will force the timing of auto follow-ups such that the number of days BETWEEN stages must pass in order for a subsequent stage to be sent.
5/15/2024 3:44:25 PM New auto follow-up suppression setting for blocks: Under the dashboard's "Auto Follow-up" settings, you can now enable a new setting called "Suppress blocks from later stages". Enabling this will make it so that a campaign that has auto follow-up stages will stop sending to an email address after a "block" rejection has been received.
5/15/2024 3:43:54 PM New bounces/blocks setting: Under the dashboard's settings, you can now enable a setting called "Treat blocks as bounces". Rejection messages that indicate a "block" rather than an invalid recipient address can now be treated as bounces, which will add the address to an account's bounce list for automatic filtering from future campaigns.
5/14/2024 6:00:58 AM SPF Real-time Checking: Now, whenever you send a campaign, the SPF record of your account's domain will be checked, and if it looks incorrect or is missing, we will email you a notice with helpful instructions. To prevent bombarding you with SPF notices, only one per week max will be sent.
5/13/2024 6:11:15 PM Reporting bug fix: Downloading the main campaign report for a campaign that did NOT use a Google Sheet was failing for the last few weeks. Fixed now.
5/13/2024 2:44:49 PM Unsubscribes Importer: You can now import a list of unsubscribed addresses by dragging and dropping any text or Excel file onto the Unsubscribes management page in the dashboard. Just click "Add unsubscribes", and then drag a file onto the popup.
5/6/2024 3:57:02 AM Auto follow-up settings bug fix: Fixed a longstanding bug where the text "null" would show up in the time fields for auto follow-up stages when composing a new campaign.
5/2/2024 5:12:26 PM New Auto Follow-up Feature: You can now send auto follow-ups "on demand" instead of waiting on the timing you've set. Just open up your campaign's DRAFT and you will see new buttons to send each stage "now". This is useful if you've changed your mind on the timing and want to have follow-ups sent sooner than later.
4/29/2024 10:26:10 AM API supports MultiSend Weights: Now when launching a campaign with the API using the /api/campaigns POST endpoint, the MultiSend setting can contain weights after each sending account separated by the pipe symbol. Example: [email protected]|100,[email protected]|200 in order to have the campaign send 100 emails through [email protected] and 200 emails through [email protected]. Weights are optional.
4/29/2024 9:19:55 AM MultiSend Weights: MultiSend, the feature that allows you to load-balance a campaign over multiple sending accounts, can now be used with "weights". You can specify a "weight" to go along with each account to choose exactly how many emails are sent from each account, for that particular campaign.
4/22/2024 2:54:59 PM Countdown timer: The animated GIF images were being generated off our main web server, and today, a large campaign using the countdown timer feature resulted in the server being flooded with requests and our website not working anymore. A caching mechanism has been implemented such that the animated GIF for a particular countdown timer will stay in memory for a minute before being re-generated on the next request.
4/22/2024 4:16:25 AM Google Sheet updating: There was a huge backlog of unprocessed Sheet updates for bounces and replies. We've now sped up the process for updating Sheets based on these events, and the backlog will be cleared in about 24 hours.
4/17/2024 5:01:36 PM The settings page where you can customize the unsubscribe text has been improved to be more helpful, to have a one-click link to insert the default unsubscribe link into the HTML editor, and to have default text pre-populate the HTML editor when you haven't yet set custom unsubscribe text.
4/17/2024 2:54:23 PM Fix for users of Gmail layouts: If you were using a Gmail "layout" in your email campaign, this prevented the main GMass button from working. Clicking it to try to send your campaign would have resulted in an endless "Please wait for GMass..." message. This happened because the Compose "div" that GMass looks for changes from contenteditable=true to contenteditable=false after a "layout" is inserted. We have now modified our logic to accommodate this, so you can now use the GMass button when using Gmail layouts.
4/16/2024 5:56:48 AM New Google Sheets feature: GMass can now detect new rows in a Google Sheet instantly, and then start sending emails to the new rows instantly. Under the Scheduling-->Repeat section of the settings box, the "Instantly" option has been added to the dropdown.
4/11/2024 2:43:31 PM New spintax capability: Users can now enable a setting that will increase randomization when using spintax. The setting is under "Other" in the dashboard settings. This is an account-wide setting: With this setting ON, each spintax block is treated independently rather than as a set along with the other spintax blocks. With this setting OFF, which is the default behavior and how spintax has always worked, spintax blocks are matched sequentially with each other, meaning the first variation in the first block is matched with the first variation in the second block. With this setting ON, each variation in each block is picked at random to form a complete email message.
4/10/2024 2:32:59 PM Reporting bug fix: Downloads in Excel format were failing before due to a missing DLL on our reporting server. This is now fixed.
4/10/2024 7:09:53 AM Unsubscribe bug fix: If your account was on a shared tracking domain and you were using the GMass-provided unsubscribe link, the unsubscribe page wasn't loading the CSS properly, resulting in a plain text look rather than the formatted look. Additionally, because the CSS was failing to load, an error was being logged for that IP address, so if you were testing your own unsubscribe link, there was a chance that you logged too many errors from your IP address, which would've prevented you from using the GMass button for some time period until the error-block expired.
4/10/2024 6:49:50 AM Sending bug fix: If sending to a Google Sheet and you enabled "Keep Duplicates" when connecting to the Sheet, and the Sheet had duplicate email addresses in different cases, like "[email protected]" and on another row, "[email protected]", only one email was being sent instead of all of them. This is now fixed.
4/10/2024 5:30:23 AM In rare cases, if a customer filed a credit card dispute, the GMass subscription with Stripe wasn't auto-cancelled. This would happen if either the user hadn't yet created a GMass account or if the information retrieved from the Stripe API had a missing "source". Both of these scenarios are now handled properly and the subscription will still be auto cancelled.
4/9/2024 5:53:45 PM Sending bug fix: If a user toggled OFF all of the "standard holidays" but then enabled the "Skip Holidays" setting for a campaign, the campaign errored out. This is now fixed.
3/29/2024 8:14:12 PM Auto follow-up new option to change how days are counted: BEFORE - When setting the number of days after the original a particular stage should be sent, all 7 days were counted, even if you had chosen just Mon/Tues/Wed/Thurs/Fri as your selected days for your campaign. This resulted in auto follow-up batches "bunching up" on Mondays if you had multiple campaigns running. NOW - You have the option in your account settings in your dashboard to check a box labeled "Count only selected days of week". With this option enabled, only the days you've selected for your campaign are counted, which would result in auto follow-ups being further spread out in the above example.
3/29/2024 8:10:38 PM Auto follow-up behavior change when time-of-day is specified: BEFORE - GMass would send an auto follow-up batch if the day was an allowed day according to the user's "choose days" setting and if it was within 3 hours of the user's chosen time, in the user's local time zone. GMass allowed midnight (00:00) to be crossed over when determining if it was within 3 hours of the user's chosen time. This created a sometimes odd scenario where if a user had scheduled auto follow-ups to send at 11:00PM Eastern Time, and chose Sun/Mon/Tues/Wed as allowed days, then the auto follow-ups would send on Sunday at 12:30AM. Why? Because Sunday is an allowed day and 12:30AM is within 3 hours of 11:00PM. NOW - Now, the same rules apply but the current time of day has to be after the user-specified time of day. In the above example, 12:30AM is not after 11:00PM, so now, the auto follow-ups would not send on Sunday at 12:30AM. Now, the auto follow-ups would wait until at least Sunday at 11:00PM to send.
3/29/2024 8:08:45 PM Bounces/Blocks: The bounce message "Message queue continuously deferred for too long", which was previously treated as a "bounce", will now be treated as a "block".
3/29/2024 8:05:46 PM New Feature - ChatGPT campaign creation: Users can now have ChatGPT create an entire email campaign, including an entire email sequence, by typing in a prompt. More information:
3/29/2024 8:04:42 PM New Feature - Countdown Timer: Users can now add a countdown timer, in the form of an animated GIF, to their email campaigns with a simple click of a button. More information:
3/27/2024 12:57:42 AM MultiSend bug fix: Campaigns that used MultiSend, where none of the selected MultiSend accounts were valid, were erroring out with this error: "General Exception Attempted to divide by zero." This error resulted from a division by zero, because the number of valid accounts was found to be zero. Accounts can become not valid when there OAuth connection to GMass breaks. Going forward, when this situation surfaces, the error message will be more meaningful. Example of new error:
3/21/2024 2:53:06 AM You can now customize the unsubscribe text that appears when you click the "Unsubscribe Link" button in the extension. Customize the text by going to the dashboard, clicking the "settings" gear, and going to the Unsubscribes section on the left side panel.
3/20/2024 6:01:44 AM Email polls improvement: You can now set better landing page options for your recipients that answer your poll. See
3/20/2024 6:01:12 AM Template management improvement: You can now bulk delete templates. See
3/18/2024 2:46:51 AM API bug fix: In certain situations, retrieving a list of account-wide unsubscribes via the!/Reports/Reports_Unsubscribes method was resulting in 0 records returned.
3/3/2024 6:03:39 AM Bounce filter adjustment: We discovered a new type of Gmail bounce that looks like this, "550 5.4.5 Daily user sending limit exceeded. For more information on Gmail sending limits go to". This bounce resulted from sending from an "alias from" address instead of the primary Google account, and when the SMTP server connected to the alias was a Gmail server, and when the account was over-limit. These bounces look new and have been appearing since mid November 2023. These bounces were erroneously resulting in the recipient address being placed on an account's bounce list. The filters have been adjusted so that these types of bounces are counted as "blocks" not bounces. Additionally, we've purged the affected addresses from everyone's bounce list.
3/2/2024 5:22:34 AM Extension bug fix: Previously long domains like could not be entered into the domain suppression box. This is now possible.
3/2/2024 5:14:21 AM Cancelling campaigns: When you cancel a campaign and its auto follow-ups, a more aggressive approach is now taken, where any pending batches of auto follow-ups that haven't completed sending yet, are now also cancelled. Before, any pending batches would be allowed to continue sending but any new batches would be prevented from being created.
3/2/2024 4:36:58 AM API: When retrieving a campaign's status via the and methods, "status" can now include the additional values of "cancelled", "paused", and "abpaused".
2/26/2024 3:34:38 PM Auto follow-up timing bug fix: If you had set specific times for your auto follow-up stages, and you had also set specific days, like Mon-Fri, when your campaign should send, and then an auto follow-up send fell on a Sat/Sun based on the "Stage Days", the campaign would send close to midnight Monday local time and not wait until it was the right time on Monday. This bug is now fixed.
2/24/2024 6:32:26 PM Spam Solver Improvements: The main functionality has a longer timeout period now such that if it takes longer than 30 seconds to send the email to all the seed accounts, it won't timeout anymore. Before the operation would sometimes timeout resulting in an endless spinning wheel without displaying the bar graph with the results.
2/20/2024 7:22:12 AM Sending: If you launch a campaign and the schedule gets pushed back because the current day is a holiday and you have "Skip Holidays" checked, then the confirmation message will indicate clearly that TODAY is a holiday. This is to clear up confusion about why campaign times are getting pushed back.
2/20/2024 7:21:18 AM Extension: Now when you check the "Skip Holidays" checkbox, a butterbar help dialog will appear in the lower-left.
2/20/2024 6:54:27 AM Auto follow-up bug fixes: Some auto follow-ups did not send entirely or did send but at the wrong time if they had one of the new skip-holidays or choose-holidays scheduling features set. Any affected auto follow-ups will go out in the coming days as close to the "correct" time as possible.
2/20/2024 6:53:24 AM Sending bug fix: If you had skip-holidays or choose-days set, and a campaign was in the middle of sending and the time crossed over into a disallowed day, the campaign paused but never resumed on the next allowed day. This is now fixed.
2/6/2024 7:47:32 AM API: The API methods to retrieve campaign data now include additional information. status: scheduled / sent / error / unknown. There's also a new parameter "lists" which includes information about the Google Sheets that were the source of data for the campaign.
2/6/2024 7:47:07 AM Auto-followups: The timing of auto follow-ups has been improved for campaigns that are paused and later resumed. Instead of auto follow-ups that are "past due" going out right away, they will wait until they are near the 24-hour interval of the prior auto follow-up stage.
2/6/2024 7:45:04 AM API: The method to send campaigns is now in line with the two new scheduling features, "Skip Holidays" and "Choose Specific Days". See "allowedDays" and "skipHolidays" here:
2/6/2024 7:44:19 AM Extension: Two new scheduling feature, "Skip Holidays" and "Choose Specific Days" have been added. Campaigns can now skip sending on holidays and only send on the weekdays that you designate.
2/6/2024 7:43:23 AM API: New method to retrieve campaign blocks has been added.
2/6/2024 7:42:52 AM A checkbox has been added to the dashboard settings, so that users of personal Gmail accounts who are sending through an SMTP server can use GMass's "from" domain replacement system to become DMARC compliant, even before Gmail changes its DMARC records.
1/25/2024 5:02:34 PM MultiSend update: The MultiSend dropdown has been updated to include the primary sending account as an account that can be selected or UNselected. This allows you to send a MultiSend campaign while excluding the primary account that you're logged into.
1/23/2024 5:04:00 AM If GMass DKIM signs your emails (only possible when sending over an SMTP service), and your email includes the List-Unsubscribe header, the DKIM signature will now be based on the two additional headers of List-Unsubscribe and List-Unsubscribe-Post.
1/23/2024 5:02:35 AM GMass will now include the List-Unsubscribe-Post header if you have the List-Unsubscribe header enabled in your settings. This header will always be set to "List-Unsubscribe=One-Click" if included, and it enables one-click unsubscribe functionality.
1/22/2024 8:50:16 AM When GMass writes a DKIM signature to an email that is being sent over SMTP (not native Gmail), then the email placed in the Sent folder of the account will also now contain the header showing the DKIM signature.
1/21/2024 10:41:39 PM Launched a DNS management system for users with personal Gmail accounts ( and who are also connected to an SMTP server. This is preparation for a change in's DMARC record that will no longer allow sending campaigns "from" accounts through external SMTP services.
1/16/2024 6:31:35 AM GMass Transactional SMTP Relay ( We've added a limit of 5 simultaneous connections per IP address and blocked several abusive IP addresses.
1/12/2024 6:44:54 AM The Reply Project: ChatGPT-generated replies have been updated to the "gpt-3.5-turbo-instruct" model.
1/6/2024 10:30:24 PM Bug fix: Affiliate sign-up form at wasn't working if user tried to sign up as an affiliate but ALREADY had a GMass account.
1/5/2024 5:34:40 AM Bug fix: When creating DRAFTs instead of sending, if an account had an SMTP service connected to it, and the account had DKIM configured inside GMass, if the DRAFTs were then sent via the account's SMTP server, the DKIM settings were ignored and the messages were not DKIM-signed. This is now fixed.
1/5/2024 5:05:24 AM Bug fix: The suppression "days" parameter wasn't working properly if an account was using MultiSend. The suppression list was being built based on only the MultiSend accounts' sending history and not the original sending account's history.
12/21/2023 6:30:12 AM Extension behavior change: Now, when you load a template from the dropdown in the settings box, if you choose to load only the Settings, the Friendly Name will not be set. You must choose to load the content (Subject/Message) for the Friendly Name and Preview Text inputs to be set. It was decided that the Friendly Name and Preview Text are more closely related to the Subject and Message than the campaign's other settings.
12/21/2023 6:29:12 AM Extension bug fix: If you had a friendly name or preview text set for your campaign, and then you cleared out the list in the To field, the friendly name and preview text would disappear. This won't happen anymore.
12/20/2023 4:19:11 PM Bug fix: Retrieving an account's entire unsubscribe list, either from the dashboard or API, was failing in some cases.
12/15/2023 2:37:53 PM List-Unsubscribe header: We are now forcing the header onto emails sent using our shared AWS SES SMTP account or our internal server. The header will be added in these cases even if you have the header turned off in your settings.
12/15/2023 2:11:01 PM SendGrid: If a user is assigned to our shared SendGrid account, campaigns can no longer be launched using SMTP as the sending option, due to SendGrid's suspension of our service with them. Users will see an on-screen error when attempting to send.
12/13/2023 5:33:05 AM Dashboard bug fix: Sometimes the recipient count for a campaign wasn't accurate, especially in cases where some recipients errored out and had to be re-tried later on.
12/2/2023 5:42:15 PM Affiliates: Launched a new affiliate sign-up form,, to replace the old process of signing up to be an affiliate.
12/1/2023 2:48:29 PM API: New endpoint added to retrieve unsubscribed domains. See
11/30/2023 11:31:09 PM New "holidays" settings page launched. Choose standard holidays and define your own custom holidays. This section doesn't technically do anything right now, but eventually there will be a "Skip Holidays" option in the scheduling settings of a campaign.
11/30/2023 11:28:59 PM Bug fix: On the individual campaign report page, the real-time Unsubscribes feed wasn't working for the last few hours.
11/30/2023 10:50:50 PM API: The "campaigns" endpoints return additional campaign data, including the "from" line, the campaign creation date, and the stage of auto follow-up if it is indeed an auto follow-up.
11/30/2023 12:00:00 AM Launched MultiSend reporting: Now in the dashboard and in the API campaigns using MultiSend can see a breakdown of stats by individual sending account.
11/30/2023 12:00:00 AM API: When sending a campaign via the "campaigns" endpoint, the campaign object returned will include details beyond just the campaign's ID.
11/29/2023 12:00:00 AM MultiSend settings page: Now shows whether each account is OAuth connected and checks to make sure SPF and DMARC are in place for each domain.
11/28/2023 12:00:00 AM Bug fix: Gmail Pub/Sub wasn't working for certain user accounts where they signed up, disconnected for a while, and then re-connected to GMass.
11/28/2023 12:00:00 AM New setting for bounces: Make bounces disappear instantly
11/28/2023 12:00:00 AM Bug fix: Sometimes when transferring a subscription, a user would get the wrong error, telling them that the transfer-to account doesn't exist when it actually did.
11/28/2023 12:00:00 AM Affiliates: An affiliate's earnings are now accessible via the dashboard.
11/27/2023 12:00:00 AM A "select all" checkbox has been added to certain data tables in the dashboard.
11/26/2023 12:00:00 AM Launched this Product Updates page!
11/18/2023 12:00:00 AM Campaign reports that are inserted into the "GMass Reports" Label will now have the timestamp of when they were generated, so it can be assessed if there's a delay between when the report was generated and when it arrived into the Label.
11/16/2023 12:00:00 AM Bug fix: When logged in as a team master, the user can now take action on its members' campaigns, like pausing/resuming/cancelling/archiving them.
11/16/2023 12:00:00 AM Gmail API began throwing "429" errors. Now campaigns will be auto-retried when they encounter this error.
11/16/2023 12:00:00 AM When an auto follow-up batch errors out, the notification will contain more detail about the error now.
11/15/2023 12:00:00 AM Stage 1 auto follow-ups have been delayed recently. Took steps to optimize speed.
11/15/2023 12:00:00 AM During peak times, the delay between launching a campaign and it starting to send was approaching 3 minutes. Adjusting our server launcher algorithm to bring this closer to 1 minute.
11/13/2023 12:00:00 AM Fixed bug where some "overlimit" bounces from Gmail were erroneously being classified as replies.
11/5/2023 12:00:00 AM Some users are being moved off of shared AWS tracking domains and onto a new set of shared tracking domains.
10/31/2023 12:00:00 AM MultiSend: Better logic to allow other accounts to continue sending when one account in a group hits its sending limit
10/30/2023 12:00:00 AM Bug fix: In rare cases, campaigns with both auto follow-ups and triggers were sending duplicate auto follow-ups to recipients where the trigger had fired
10/30/2023 12:00:00 AM Bug fix: SMTP relay was throwing errors on emails where the "verify" setting was on
10/26/2023 12:00:00 AM Bug fix: The MultiSend helpful butterbar message was appearing at the wrong time when configuring MultiSend settings
10/26/2023 12:00:00 AM MultiSend: Now works when launching campaign with "Create Drafts" option
10/25/2023 12:00:00 AM Bug fix: MultiSend "split factor" calculation was wrong
10/25/2023 12:00:00 AM MultiSend: Removing the aggressive unsubscribe/bounce filtering on campaigns unless Global Unsubscribes/Bounces is turned on
10/25/2023 12:00:00 AM MultiSend: Added butterbar help that appears when you check the box
10/23/2023 12:00:00 AM Better validation for the sending speed field when using MultiSend
10/23/2023 12:00:00 AM MultiSend: Adding aggressive unsubscribe/bounce handling
10/21/2023 12:00:00 AM MultiSend: If campaign is rerouted to user's SMTP server, MultiSend features are now disabled
10/21/2023 12:00:00 AM MultiSend: Validation improvements for emails/day setting. Can now set more than 2,000/day.
10/18/2023 12:00:00 AM Bug fix: Launching a mass forward to a list from a Sheet wasn't working after MultiSend was introduced
10/14/2023 12:00:00 AM Poll improvements: Filtering out bot clicks, and now recording User-Agent and IP for each poll response
10/14/2023 12:00:00 AM You can now cancel a campaign even if your Google account has a broken OAuth connection to GMass
10/14/2023 12:00:00 AM The Reply Project: Delete button wasn't working when viewing campaign-specific replies
10/2/2023 12:00:00 AM The Reply Project: Archive/delete buttons now work with MultiSend campaigns

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